The Doubles Tennis Tie Breaker

Basically, singles tie-breaker scoring and guidelines are maintained in the doubles tie-breaker, but there is an exception. Similar to singles, the two-point rotation starts after the initial point is played out and the serving rotation is maintain.

The difference is that instead of two, there are four players participating in the two-point serving rotation. For example, let’s say competitors A and B (Team 1) are playing a tiebreaker against competitors X and Y (Team 2). The serving rotation is maintained above and Player X next in line to serve.

Point 1 – Player X Serves

Point 2 – Player A Serves

Point 3 – Player A Serves

Point 4 – Player Y Serves

Point 5 – Player Y Serves

Point 6 – Player B Serves

Point 7 – Player B Serves

Point 8 – Player X Serves

Point 9 – Player X Serves

This rotation continues until a team wins the tie-breaker. To win the tie-breaker and finalize the set, a team must score a minimum seven points combined with a two point advantage. Possible tie-breaker scoring results for the winning team could be 7-1, 7-5, 8-6, 14-12, 21-19, etc.