by PerErik | May 10, 2012 | Tennis Tips from Scott, Testimonials
In a world with thousands of tennis books (actually 8,956, when I searched ), most all of them teach mostly the same things. Scott Nichols’ On the Other Hand provides a totally unique and invaluable new perspective. And, what do you know? The advice...
by PerErik | Apr 30, 2012 | Tennis Tips, Tennis Tips from Scott
Winning doubles is when both partners are working together, in tandem. Similar to ‘volleyball’ when players set up a team mate for a spike, the same philosophy when a team serves playing doubles. When I serve I make sure I can hit the serve...
by PerErik | Apr 18, 2012 | Tennis Tips, Tennis Tips from Scott
As a returning team in doubles, you are in a defensive position and the serving team is in the offensive position. When you lob over the net person successfully and then follow that high lob to your net position, you have gone from ‘defense’ to...
by PerErik | Apr 18, 2012 | Tennis Tips, Tennis Tips from Scott
When you are running for a backhand ground stroke or volley and you are very late to the ball, most likely having your contact point with the ball behind you, the best grip for the shot is a forehand grip, YES a forehand grip! Your wrist is loose, your racquet face is...
by PerErik | Apr 16, 2012 | Tennis Tips, Tennis Tips from Scott
Best shot when all doubles players are at the net? LOB VOLLEY. The toughest part of this shot is thinking about it in time. Most beginner and intermediate players if they are all at net, just volley to each other. As one gets more advanced, players volley down the...
by PerErik | Apr 16, 2012 | Tennis Tips, Tennis Tips from Scott
Best shot to hit when a drop shot is hit to you is first, get to the ball and Secondly, drop shot back. Usually at beginner and intermediate levels, this tactic works because the opponent usually hit’s the drop shot from the baseline and watches you run to the ball...