Basic serving tips?

To initiate game play, the server stands between center mark and singles sideline just behind the baseline to the right side of his or her end on the court.

The server serves not just the first point, but the entire game.

The server receives two attempts (per point played) to serve by tossing up the tennis ball and striking it diagonally over the net into the correct service court on the receiver’s side of the court.

If the server steps on or over the baseline when serving, by rule this is considered a ‘foot fault’ and the server loses that attempt to serve whether it is the first or second serve attempt for that point.

If the ball tips the net during a serve and lands inside the intended service court’s boundaries, that is considered a ‘let’ and the server earns another chance to serve. Consequently, if the ball tips the net during a serve and lands outside the intended service court’s boundaries, that is considered a ‘fault’ and the server loses that chance to serve.

After each point is played out, the server rotates from the right side of the center mark to the left side of the center mark and continues the rotation for each point until the game is over.